I’ve noticed that I’ve been posting a lot about my travels lately (since there were many throughout this past month alone), and before it was mostly about new cultural impressions. However, I realize I’ve failed to write a blog that focuses on perhaps one of the most important aspects of this semester: the new friends I’ve made from around the world.
I’ve made many new friends and acquaintances this semester from many places, both in Asia and Europe, as well as one new American friend (who came to IFT the last two weeks before I left). So not only did I get to learn about the Chinese culture, but I also unexpectedly got to learn about many other Asian and European cultures. And to be honest, I’m surprised we all got along!
I’ve said this in one of my earlier blog entries, but before coming to Macau I’d never really experienced many other cultures. It was a bit of a shock at first, but I think I adjusted quickly to it and looked past the initial differences. In the end, I got a number of new friends from so many places, and I think this is one of the most critical components of my entire learning experience this semester.
Without my new friends, I probably would have missed out on a number of opportunities to get out of my apartment and explore. I know that I wouldn’t have traveled so much if I was by myself. I wouldn’t have gone out to explore Macau so much if I was by myself all the time. And I would have been extremely lonely if it wasn’t for the wonderful friends I made while abroad.
And these friends are so special to me because we made so many memories together. At home, it will be difficult to find someone to relate to my experiences in Asia, but my friends from Macau will since we went through it all together, from start to finish.
I especially want to thank these four: Catherine (Portugal), Iris (Finland), Cindy (China), and Stella (South Korea). They were there every step of the way, and I feel very connected in particular to them. We grew up a lot together these past five months and made so many memories together, and because of that I believe I have a special bond with them.
It was hard to leave them (many tears were shed on the day of my departure), but I know I’ll keep in touch. I’m already making plans to meet Catherine and Iris in Europe next summer (Euro Trip!), and if I stay with Dad in Jakarta to work one summer, I can easily meet up with Stella and Cindy. As hard as saying goodbye was, I knew deep down that I would manage a way to see them all again one day.
On the one hand, I felt a little guilty that I spent more time traveling in my last month than staying in Macau with my friends. After all, I should have made sure to take advantage of every experience Macau had to offer. It seemed as though I ran out of time in the end to do everything I wanted to do, like karaoke Asian-style, or try dim sum, or learn Mahjong and “Lies.” The last month went by really fast, maybe too fast, and in the end I was left feeling that I hadn’t had enough time in Macau.
But I have no regrets in the end, since I had to choose between new travels or remaining in Macau. Traveling to new places was what I wanted to get out of this experience, and I got it!
But the new friends I made were also an important part of my experience as a whole. While I didn’t come into this in the beginning to make new friends, it was an unexpected (but most welcome) outcome. I’m very thankful for these friendships, and even though we have only known each other for a short time, they are strong and long-lasting.
Thank you, friends!
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