Hi Mama Kati.
We miss you. Where are you? Come pet our tummies.
We had a really bad day. Grandma took us to the bad place where they use the buzzy thing and make us naked. Brother Moppit tried to be brave but he cried getting out of the car. Brother Pooh didn't like going to the bad haircut place but now he knows he's pretty & walks real bouncy. But Brother Tigger didn't have fun at all. When Grandma got us home she found blood all over the back seat & Tigger was limping. She thought he got a little nicked but when there was blood all over the floor she checked & Tigger had a bad cut on his foot. So Tigger had to go back to the bad place & see the doctor. The doctor put surgery glue on the cut & wrapped his foot. He thinks he's special cause he's got pretty gauze with hearts on it all up his leg. It can't get wet so if it rains Grandma will have to put a plastic bag on his foot. He's on antibiotics too. That means he'll get to have extra chicken. Hope we get some too.
We've looked in the pink room & you're not there. We've looked in the garage & you're not there either. Come back soon. We miss you.
woof, snuffle and grrrr
(That means I love you).
Tigger, Moppit & Pooh Bear

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